Thursday, May 22, 2008

Changing of the Presidents

Charlotte Freeman took over as President of the Cokeville Historical Society on May 22, 2008. Lowell Clark served as the 1st President of the newly established society from 2007-2008. Thanks to people willing to be leaders.

New Officers Elected

The Cokeville Historical Society met at noon at the senior citizens center on May 22. After lunch, they got down to business electing new officers.

President - Charlotte Freeman
1st Vice President/Membership - Carol Reed
2nd Vice President Secretary/Treasurer - Eva Clark
3rd Vice President/Public Relation & Newsletter - Karla Toomer
4th Vice President/Recruitment - John Teichert

Thanks to the outgoing officers for a great first year!
President Lowell Clark
Vice Presidents Dale Weston, Carol Reed, Charlotte Freeman, Charles Dayton