We held a planning meeting in October, once again adjusting our schedule for the upcoming year and trying to plan what works best for our member's and the community.
The Promise newsletter, the official newsletter of the Cokeville Historical Society, is sent each month to all members of our local chapter. In it is details of guest speakers, happenings of the month, donations, new members and more.
Please consider joining the Cokeville Historical Society to have access to the Promise newsletter and much more! Contact any officer
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Arlene Kennington - September speaker
Arlene Kennington was our guest speaker in September. Her husband Don came with her and we enjoyed the visit very much. Arlene has put together a wonderful compilation of Cokeville stories and facts that she plans on publishing into a book in the near future. We would love to help Arlene sell copies when those become available so please let us know!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Paul Phillips
This announcement was going to be made via our member newsletter first, but seems it already hit the town council meeting on Tuesday. Paul Phillips donated the war plaque that currently hangs in the Country Shopper to the Cokeville Historical Society. He rescued it years ago when a previous mayor was "cleaning house" at the Cokeville Town Hall. It has hung in his store but now that the store is for sale, Paul found a way to ensure the memorial stays in town.
The Cokeville Historical Society and the Town of Cokeville agreed Tuesday evening to refinish the gold leafed-names. The plaque will eventually hang in a Cokeville Historical Society Museum.
Thanks Paul Phillips! What once was trash, seems to be Cokeville' s most wanted treasure...at least for this week.
This is the second item to be donated to the Cokeville Historical Society this year, the first being the original school bell with co-ownership by the schools, where it will be displayed.
The Cokeville Historical Society always welcomes inquiries about donations, monetary or otherwise.
The Cokeville Historical Society and the Town of Cokeville agreed Tuesday evening to refinish the gold leafed-names. The plaque will eventually hang in a Cokeville Historical Society Museum.
Thanks Paul Phillips! What once was trash, seems to be Cokeville' s most wanted treasure...at least for this week.
This is the second item to be donated to the Cokeville Historical Society this year, the first being the original school bell with co-ownership by the schools, where it will be displayed.
The Cokeville Historical Society always welcomes inquiries about donations, monetary or otherwise.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
2008 Member's Meeting Wy State Historical Society
Here are the pictures from our trip to the Wyoming State Historical Society Meeting in Gillette, Wyoming. Charlotte and I will both add comments about our trip and what we learned on this site in the near future.
I (Karla) will blog on www.wyomingflavor.blogspot.com some personal observations on Wyoming and Wyoming's meetings, also in the near future. Also, I will post a slide show of the other places we went...
Thanks for the great time, Gillette!
I (Karla) will blog on www.wyomingflavor.blogspot.com some personal observations on Wyoming and Wyoming's meetings, also in the near future. Also, I will post a slide show of the other places we went...
Thanks for the great time, Gillette!
Wyoming State Historical Society Meeting 2008
Charlotte Freeman and Karla Toomer were able to represent the Cokeville Chapter at the annual Wyoming State Historical Society Meeting this past week. The meeting was held in Gillette, Wyoming and posts and pictures will follow soon. However, if you want to view the fun pictures of Karla and Char while waiting for the other (yes, and fun) pictures of the meetings...you can click here or go to http://cokeville.blogspot.com/2008/09/ambassadors-for-cokeville.html
The photo is of Cokeville Chapter President Charlotte Freeman, Wyoming State Historical Society's Executive Secretary and Newsletter Editor (paid positions) Linda Fabian, and Cokeville Chapter's Technical/P.R./Newsletter VP Karla Toomer
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Nate Family Wins Schwiering Print
Greg Nate bought $20 worth of raffle tickets and went home from Pine Creek Ski Lodge the lucky winner of the Conrad Schwiering Print!
The Cokeville Historical Society Chapter bought the print from the Wyoming Historical Society, had it framed, and used it for a fundraiser for the newly formed chapter. However, sales were not as expected but the Chapter will end up barely breaking even. Thanks to all who supported this event!
What a beautiful print!
If you would like to purchase a print, the Wyoming Historical Society sells them for $250. They are limited edition and signed by 5 governors.
Wyoming Newspaper Project
The Cokeville Historical Society Chapter was pleased to co-host the Wyoming State Library in Cokeville to present the Wyoming Newspaper Project to all interested citizens. We had a packed room at the town hall at our special chapter meeting on August 14, 2008.
Lesley Boughton, Wyoming State Librarian, and Erin Kinney, Wyoming State Library Digital Information Specialist, also were able to train 49 people at 4 training sessions over a two day period. We appreciate them and all they did for our town. We are able to help archive digital newspapers but they brought jobs to 48 families! More money is needed from the Wyoming State Legislature to fully complete the Wyoming Newspaper Project and hopefully that means more employment opportunities for Cokeville!
We co-hosted the event with the Cokeville Miracle Foundation, which paid for the meals and school rental for the training days. Thanks Cokeville Miracle Foundation!
Cokeville Historical Society at Minerva Teichert Invitational Art Show 4
August 15-16, 2008 was the 4th Annual Minerva Teichert Invitational Art Show and Sale held in Cokeville. Charlotte Freeman, CHSC President, was on hand as an arts council member and part of the decorating committee for the show. She also sold raffles for the Schwiering Print during the show. Pictured are Charlotte selling raffles. Also, Charlotte Freeman, artist Julie Rogers, and arts council member Jillette Dayton pause from conversation for a picture at Pine Creek Ski Lodge.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Making the Pioneer Day 2009 Float!
A great big thank you to Charlotte Freeman for planning, purchasing, and preparing the Pioneer Day Float! This is the 2nd year of the float and the 2nd year Charlotte has spearheaded the entire project.
Also involved in making the float were: Bill and Linda Hammond, Kelsi Teichert, Leslie Freeman, all volunteers and not current members of the society. THANK YOU! Also were members Stella Stutz, Karla Toomer and her children Ellis, Seth, and Kalli.
Thank you to Norm Freeman for letting us use his trailer and to Marge Carmichael for the use of her garden cart as a prop on the float.
Great big thanks to STEVE AND LAURA BECK for being the pioneer's in the float and CHOC MADDOCK for being our pioneer boy!
Join us with the Wyoming State Librarian!
The Cokeville Historical Society is pleased to be co-hosting a special event on August 14th. The Wyoming State Librarian will be in Cokeville from 1-2pm at the town hall presenting a special project! This project involves old Wyoming newspapers that are being made available on-line! The presentation is open to the public and will be in the chamber room. Please come!
There will also be limited training for part-time jobs associated with this project. At this time, there are no spaces left at the training. However, those interested in future trainings when more funding becomes available should not miss the PRESENTATION ON AUGUST 14th!
There will also be limited training for part-time jobs associated with this project. At this time, there are no spaces left at the training. However, those interested in future trainings when more funding becomes available should not miss the PRESENTATION ON AUGUST 14th!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Charlotte shows off Schwiering Print
The Cokeville Chapter of the Wyoming State Historical Society has a limited edition FRAMED Schwiering print of the Tetons "Autumn Magic" that will be raffled off as a chapter fundraiser on August 16, 2008. It is signed by 5 governor's of Wyoming and was limited in production.
Tickets are $5 or 3 for $10. Contact Charlotte, Eva, Karla, Carol or John for more information or post a comment with your name and contact information (which I will remove) to this post and I will get back to you.
You can click on this link to the official Wyoming State Historical Society to read more about this print.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Volunteer Opportunity - Smart Volunteer Needed!
We are currently seeking a smart volunteer to convert our video to digital technology so we can loan out dvd's or place on the internet. We have several of our programs recorded including: Orson Nate, Lois Dayton, Glenn Birch and Nancy Hill Grave, Jermy White and Sublette Cut-off and more. These could then be loaned out or perhaps placed on Channel 39, the local Cokeville Channel that All West helps provide.
If interested in this volunteer position, please contact Karla at bktoomer@allwest.net
If interested in this volunteer position, please contact Karla at bktoomer@allwest.net
Cokeville Historical Society Receives first Artifact Donation!
The Cokeville Historical Society received it's first artifact donation in June 2008 to be shared jointly in owenership with the Cokeville School's.
The picture is Principal Keith Harris and Cokeville Historical Society President Charlotte Freeman along with Janene and Roger Pugmire of St. Charles, Idaho who delivered the bell on behalf of their relatives Ron and Lori Ann Hoffman, of Benson Utah.
The Story of the Bell's Return
Originally for the Kemmerer Gazette, June 2008, edited and cut
Appearing here full-length as written:
An Heirloom Bell Returns
By Karla Toomer
An heirloom, impossible to put a price tag on, was returned to the rural Wyoming town of Cokeville on Monday the 16th of June. The original bell that hung in the bell tower in the two-story Cokeville Grade school from 1905-1959 was returned via Roger and Janene Pugmire of nearby St. Charles, Idaho.
The bell had been in the possession of the Hoffman family for nearly fifty years, on a farm in Benson, Utah, since being removed from Cokeville. The Pugmire’s nephew and niece, Ron and Lori Ann Hoffman, recently sold the farm and inquired of them if they knew anyone in Cokeville who would be interested in the bells return. (Janene briefly attended grade school in Cokeville and the Pugmire’s have relatives in Cokeville still). Unfortunately for Janene, an avid bell collector herself who volunteered to take the bell if it wasn’t wanted, the bell was very much wanted.
The bell, manufactured by The O.S. Bell Company, was accepted jointly by the principal of the Cokeville Schools, Keith Harris, and Cokeville Historical Society President Charlotte Freeman. The Cokeville schools will house the bell as long as they care to have it. Gifting to the historical society as well as the school ensures that the bell will remain in Cokeville. Harris said, “Thank you. What makes Cokeville, Cokeville isn’t just what we’re doing today. It’s what happened in the past, combined with what’s continuing in the present that makes Cokeville the special place it is. This is a great reminder of the past.”
Roger, an historian and previous member of historical societies, stated, “The thing is, you don’t find things like (the bell) very often. So many items and histories are completely lost. Once they’re gone, there’s no way to get them back.” Gone unless you have a dash of luck and generous donors, that is.
So how did that big old bell that not only rang for school sessions to begin and end, but also signaled firemen to fires and rang out town curfews, end up in Benson, Utah? According to the Pugmires, a teacher named Louise Fyme was given the bell by Principal Johnson. (Louise later married Alton Hoffman, and thus the Hoffman farm connection). Principal Johnson’s wife’s name was Evelyn. Last name? Fyme. She was a sister to Louise. And now you know…
This story is the back page of Vol 1 Issue 2 of "The Promise" newsletter sent out July 2008 to members of the Cokeville Historical Society. Others information in the newsletter was: officer email addresses, picture of the bell and the recipients, picture of Alex Dayton and his parents, dues schedule...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Lois Dayton-June 2008 Guest Speaker
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Meeting tomorrow!
I've been gone most of the day, to pick up mom from the Salt Lake Airport. I hope everyone is planning on attending our meeting tomorrow! I hope you all reserved a meal in advance if you want to eat at the Senior Citizens Center!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
First Newsletter in the mail
Yes, I mailed the Cokeville Historical Society's newsletter, "The Cokeville Promise", Volume 1 Issue 1 today. So, be watching for it and then, don't be too hard on me. I had a heck of a time getting my computer to work and trying to understand Microsoft's word newsletter settings were, for me, not easy! But, with time I'm sure I will improve on the newsletter!
The Cokeville Promise, Volume 1 Issue 1
Membership renewal notice
Date and time of next meeting (June 18th, noon, senior center)
Guest Speaker: Lois Dayton
Announcement of new officers, see previous blog. Thanks old officers.
The back is simply a copy of our charter, which we've had one year this past April
The Cokeville Promise, Volume 1 Issue 1
Membership renewal notice
Date and time of next meeting (June 18th, noon, senior center)
Guest Speaker: Lois Dayton
Announcement of new officers, see previous blog. Thanks old officers.
The back is simply a copy of our charter, which we've had one year this past April
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
New Membership always accepted, Renewals Due now
This is our 2nd renewal month, with memberships due to the Wyoming State Historical Society soon. We welcome all charter members back this second year and encourage anyone who wishes to support the study and preservation of Cokeville history to support with their membership dues!
All state dues have $10 added that stays in the local chapter, except family memberships which pay $20 ($10 extra to cover costs associated with children eating at annual banquet).
All state dues have $10 added that stays in the local chapter, except family memberships which pay $20 ($10 extra to cover costs associated with children eating at annual banquet).
Lois Dayton to be guest at June meeting
Lois Dayton will address the Cokeville Historical Society at their June 2008 meeting on Wednesday the 18th. The society begins to gather at noon, for those who have called in a meal at least the day before, to the Senior Citizens Center. Others are welcome to visit. Lunch trays should be returned by 12:25. Official meeting begins at 12:30. Special thanks to activities director Glen Birch for arranging our programs!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Changing of the Presidents
New Officers Elected
The Cokeville Historical Society met at noon at the senior citizens center on May 22. After lunch, they got down to business electing new officers.
President - Charlotte Freeman
1st Vice President/Membership - Carol Reed
2nd Vice President Secretary/Treasurer - Eva Clark
3rd Vice President/Public Relation & Newsletter - Karla Toomer
4th Vice President/Recruitment - John Teichert
Thanks to the outgoing officers for a great first year!
President Lowell Clark
Vice Presidents Dale Weston, Carol Reed, Charlotte Freeman, Charles Dayton
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Jermy White, February Guest
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
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